Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010

Zeolite = Innovation

Photograph of the surface of a Zeolite, showing the zeolite crystals which measure approx. 5 microns in width. Holes between the crystals provide the perfect environment for bacterial colonization.

Zeolite is a unique Multipurpose Mineral that were formed when molten lava from ancient volcanoes mixed with sea water. The term zeolite was originally coined in the 18th century by a Swedish mineralogist named Cronstedt who observed, upon rapidly heating a natural zeolite, that the stones began to dance about as the water evaporated. Using the Greek words which mean "stone that boils," he called this material zeolite. A commonly used description of a zeolite is a crystalline aluminosilicate with a cage structure. Technically, we speak blah blah blah blah you can get more informations from here.

The interesting part is, this 'stone' has many purposes which are:

  • Aquaculture (Ammonia filtration in fish hatcheries, Biofilter media)
  • Agriculture (Odor control, Confined animal environmental control, Livestock feed additives)
  • Horticulture (Nurseries, Greenhouses, Flori-culture, Tree and shrub transplanting)
  • Household Products (Household odor control, Pet odor control)
  • Industrial Products (Absorbents for oil and spills, Gas separations)
  • Radioactive Waste (Site remediation/decontamination)
  • Water Treatment (Water filtration, Heavy metal removal, Swimming pools)
  • Wastewater Treatment (Ammonia removal in municipal sludge/wastewater, Septic leach fields)

Zeolite is already known from a long time ago, but the things is people are still unfamiliar with this mineral. Look at that functions above I've mentioned, Zeolite could really make life much easier and it's natural. It won't harm our Earth. We can really save the world from "2012".

Kalau anda ingin tahu lebih banyak mengenai zeolit dalam bahasa Indonesia, anda bisa masuk sini.
Masyarakat sudah pernah membahas betapa bergunanya zeolit dalam pertanian, adanya artikel yang anda bisa lihat yaitu ini.

Cobalah buka mata anda.